
Wir bieten Type Trainings für die Flugzeugtypen Boeing B767-200/300 und B777-200/300 mit dementsprechenden Triebwerken an:
BOEING 767-200/300 TYPE TRAINING (PW 4000) (Praxistraining):
Cat A Aircraft Type Training
Cat B1 Aircraft Type Training
Cat B2 Aircraft Type Training
Differences from Cat B1 (GE CF6) to Cat B1 (PW 4000) Aircraft Type Training
Cat B1 and Cat B2 combined Aircraft Type Training
BOEING 777-200/300 (GE 90)/(PW 4000)/(RR RB211 Trent 800) TYPE TRAINING:
Cat A Aircraft Type Training
Cat B1 Aircraft Type Training
Cat B2 Aircraft Type Training
Differences from Cat B2 to Cat B1 Aircraft Type Training
Differences from Cat B1 to Cat B2 Aircraft Type Training
Differences from Cat B1 (GE 90) to Cat B1 (PW 4000) Aircraft Type Training
Differences from Cat B1 (GE 90) to Cat B1 (RR RB211 Trent 800) Aircraft Type Training
Differences from Cat B1 (PW 4000) to Cat B1 (GE 90) Aircraft Type Training
Cat B1 and Cat B2 combined Aircraft Type Training
Cat C Aircraft Type Training
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